
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile, and my ResearchGate account

Extending Refactoring Detection to Kotlin: A Dataset and Comparative Study

Published in (accepted), 2023

  • Programmed and developed essential tools to support the refactoring detection tool, ensuring its functionality and efficiency.
  • Executed rigorous validation of refactoring operations to maintain data integrity and accuracy, contributing to tool improvement.
  • Contributed to the overall enhancement of the refactoring detection tool, leading to improved performance and reliability.

Recommended citation: Iman Hemati Moghadam, Mohammad Mehdi Afkhami, Parsa Kamalipour, Vadim Zaytsev "Extending Refactoring Detection to Kotlin: A Dataset and Comparative Study." (accepted).

Solving community detection problem using evolutionary algorithm in social networks.

Published in (submited), 2023

  • We detected communities with high accuracy using Random Walks and a customized genetic algorithm on varied sizes of graphs

Recommended citation: Fahimeh Dabaghi-Zarandi, Mohammad Mehdi Afkhami, Mohammad Hosein Ashoori "Solving community detection problem using evolutionary algorithm in social networks." (submitted).